Whether you call them guests or customers, whether they’re grabbing-and-going or checking out after a sit-down meal, they all have the same weakness… the allure of strategically placed impulse purchase items.
Episode 55 – Everyone Leaves Happy, Restaurateur Joshua Kopel
September 16, 2019Hospitality has always been where his heart is, but it hasn’t always been easy or fun. In this episode Joshua shares his thoughts on growth, overcoming challenges, management and leadership, sustainability and the importance of culture in foodservice.
Episode 54 – The Secret Social Sauce
July 19, 2019Social media has exponentially increased the opportunity for people to develop an emotional connection with your brand. The Secret Social Sauce is a strategy that will help you identify your brand’s unique marketable attributes for digital content and social media…
Gen Z Will Drive Significant Change in Food Marketing and Manufacturing
July 8, 2019They are the first digitally native generation; that is, they grew up with easy access to information through handheld devices. Transparency, whether it relates to processing methods or ingredients, is an expectation rather than a pleasant option…
How Menu Design Can Increase Sales and Customer Loyalty
July 3, 2019Think of the menu as a visual representation of your brand. It introduces guests to your offerings and should reflect the overall philosophy and values of your establishment. The psychology of menu design should not be underestimated—in fact, a well-designed menu can consistently increase profits by as much as $1,000 per month, per million dollars in annual revenue…
Communicate with Your Restaurant Customers Anywhere, Anytime
December 27, 2018More and more people around the world are connecting through instant messaging—more than 1 billion people use Facebook Messenger each month. It’s a convenient way to let customers know you’re listening and create personal connections with them, and it’s automatically integrated with every Facebook Page.
Restaurant Marketing Ideas for the 12 Days of Christmas
November 6, 2018Christmas marketing isn’t limited to just the immediate holiday but includes your winter menu changes, catering services, increased promotions of cookies, cakes, pies, pastries and side dishes for holiday meals, holiday party bookings and gift card sales. You have a great opportunity to attract new customers, show your chef’s skills in preparing holiday favorites and exotic foods from other countries and cultures, and host special tasting events that attract convivial crowds.
Episode 51 – A “Hospitality” Convo with Steve Hewins
October 1, 2018Steve Hewins, President & CEO of the Maine Restaurant Association and the Maine Inn Keepers Association has some big news. In this episode we’re getting details on the merger of these two organizations; a big focus at the Maine Hospitality Summit on October, 29th in Bangor, Maine. Listen in as Steve shares his thoughts on […]
4 Ways to Appeal to Your Target Market
September 28, 2018To identify a target market, operators often look to specific generations. Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z customers all have different food and dining attitudes, habits, and preferences. What we’re finding now is that many macro trends are shared across generations. They might just manifest in different ways in terms of specific needs and operational executions, but the trends are very applicable across almost all demographics. Once operators have a grasp on overarching themes, they can develop their menus, strategize, and market more effectively. Continue reading…
Episode 50 – Looking Like a Pro on Camera, with Brad LaBree
September 10, 2018If you get nervous even thinking about talking on camera this episode is for you! Video and cameras are an increasing part of our daily lives, and a great tool for getting in front of customers. But, what happens when you clam up on camera, and the words just won’t come out? The future of marketing is video, and the power to compete is in the palm of your hand. So, let’s get over the nerves and get you recording with a few tips and strategies for foodservice operators looking to do more with video.
Episode 39 – A Simple Equation to Maximize Success
March 24, 2018In this week’s episode we’re talking about the “who, what, why and how” important to success. Plus, we’ve got this week’s new products and there’s lobster news in the literary world. What is the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy? Bonus points for how many of them are sold during the Easter season. The answer in this week’s episode!
19 Sales-Boosting Strategies for Coffee, Tea & Cocoa
February 20, 2018It’s hard to imagine a beverage menu without coffee and tea. These hardworking staples can be served hot or iced, no matter the season or weather, throughout the day from breakfast to between meals and after dinner.
7 Tactics for Restaurant Holiday Marketing
November 1, 2017With all the stress that comes during the holidays, customers will be looking for a place to get a great meal that they won’t have to cook for themselves. Here are 7 tactics to try when marketing for your business this holiday season.
5 Lessons Millennials Taught Foodservice Marketers
October 11, 2017What is the big whoop about Millennials? Well, they are the largest generation in America for starters…
Episode 30 – “What’s new?”
September 22, 2017For operators, raising the awareness of new items through any available channel — website, social media, in-house advertising or on the phone with customers — can have several benefits; including satisfying regulars who want to try something new, add-on sale opportunities, and attracting new customers. If a customer wants to know what’s new at your establishment, how available have you made that information for them? In this episode we’re going straight to the source to discuss “what’s new?” in foodservice.
Episode 28 – The Story of Deb the Innovator
September 1, 2017In this inspirational episode of Dennis Knows Food, we’re sharing the story of a small town foodservice innovator who kept her business running, growing and adapting through all of the changes and challenges that were thrown at it. You won’t want to miss this one – so, connect your bluetooth devices, plug in your headphones and turn up the volume – it’s story time!
Episode 27 – Tips for Marketing Campaigns, Peanut Allergies & AI Cookies
August 25, 2017In Episode 27 of Dennis Knows Food we’re discussing tips for success in your next marketing campaign. Australian researchers have made a potential breakthrough in the fight against deadly peanut allergies. And Google now has a computer capable of making the perfect chocolate chip cookie. These topics and more in this week’s podcast!
Social Media Becomes #1 Form of Restaurant Marketing
August 1, 2017It’s official, social media has eclipsed traditional advertising to become the most commonly used form of marketing for restaurants.
Globally Inspired Barbecue Offers On-Trend Opportunity
July 5, 2017From Texas to the Carolinas, and Memphis to St. Louis, there’s no denying Americans’ love of barbecue. Today the definition of barbecue is expanding as ethnic cuisine takes center stage…
Easy Ways to Boost Customer Traffic
July 5, 2017While good food, attentive service, value and convenience will always be important today’s consumer is looking for more than just quality food and service…
3 Ways to Get More from Your Menu
July 5, 2017An effective menu can be one of your strongest marketing tools. Here are three factors that can help take your menu to the next level.
Simple Tips for a DIY Photoshoot
July 5, 2017When potential customers see your food online, on a sign or in a menu the quality of the photography makes a huge difference in whether or not they choose your establishment.
Domino’s Pizza Turnaround Case Study
June 26, 2017Domino’s Pizza has managed to pull off a huge turnaround; in part by listening and responding to their customers in a uniquely-honest PR advertising blitz. Now they are opening hundreds of new locations and profits are soaring…
Easy Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Efforts
April 12, 2017Are you clearly communicating what sets your restaurant apart with your marketing? The right marketing efforts can help drive traffic to your establishment and boost sales.