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Leveraging Cookies for Customer Loyalty

Whether you call them guests or customers, whether they’re grabbing-and-going or checking out after a sit-down meal, they all have the same weakness
 the allure of strategically placed impulse purchase items.

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Episode 54 – The Secret Social Sauce

Social media has exponentially increased the opportunity for people to develop an emotional connection with your brand. The Secret Social Sauce is a strategy that will help you identify your brand’s unique marketable attributes for digital content and social media…

neon sign, sorry we're open

The 4 Best Ways for Restaurants to Draw in Traffic

Increasing competition and customer expectations for consistent, quality service at restaurants makes getting people in the door more difficult than ever in today’s market. Competition created by new establishments and constant scrutiny via social media have raised the bar for service standards. Modern restaurateurs must react faster in order to succeed…

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Communicate with Your Restaurant Customers Anywhere, Anytime

More and more people around the world are connecting through instant messaging—more than 1 billion people use Facebook Messenger each month. It’s a convenient way to let customers know you’re listening and create personal connections with them, and it’s automatically integrated with every Facebook Page.

three smiling customers

5 Free Ways to Get Customers Talking about Your Foodservice Brand

Most fast-casual operators believe that competency creates conversation. That being “good” equals word of mouth. But it often does not, because almost every competitor is at least good. If you want customers to tell others about your restaurants — and you do — you must be different in addition to being excellent.

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4 Ways to Appeal to Your Target Market

To identify a target market, operators often look to specific generations. Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z customers all have different food and dining attitudes, habits, and preferences. What we’re finding now is that many macro trends are shared across generations. They might just manifest in different ways in terms of specific needs and operational executions, but the trends are very applicable across almost all demographics. Once operators have a grasp on overarching themes, they can develop their menus, strategize, and market more effectively. Continue reading…

chicken wrap basket with ice tea

Five Ways to Boost Summer Foodservice Sales

Longer days and warmer weather can mean new sales opportunities. After months of cold weather, people are eager to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. From al fresco dining to special summer menus, here are five ways you can take advantage of the changing season and drive sales this summer.

ten dollar bill, Alexander Hamilton

Ten Easy Ways Waitstaff Can Add $10 to Every Check

Adding $10 to the check can put another $3 or more of profit in your register—and when you multiply that by all the tables served during a shift, it can add up! Here are 10 different ways to add $10 to every check….

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Episode 41 – BBQ Season & Google My Business

In this episode there’s info about our inventory additions for the week, Google advice to grow your business, and we’ve got BBQ on the brain! Joining us for our discussion on how you can use Google to help grow traffic to your restaurant we’ve got a special guest, foodservice operator and social media guru, Katrina Petersen. National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day was April 20th. For this week’s foodie fact, we’re asking – When was Pineapple Upside-Down cake first popularized in American culture? The answer at the end of the podcast…

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Episode 28 – The Story of Deb the Innovator

In this inspirational episode of Dennis Knows Food, we’re sharing the story of a small town foodservice innovator who kept her business running, growing and adapting through all of the changes and challenges that were thrown at it. You won’t want to miss this one – so, connect your bluetooth devices, plug in your headphones and turn up the volume – it’s story time!

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Episode 27 – Tips for Marketing Campaigns, Peanut Allergies & AI Cookies

In Episode 27 of Dennis Knows Food we’re discussing tips for success in your next marketing campaign. Australian researchers have made a potential breakthrough in the fight against deadly peanut allergies. And Google now has a computer capable of making the perfect chocolate chip cookie. These topics and more in this week’s podcast!

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Episode 26 – Five Ways to Boost Fall Sales, Calamari, Tarator Sauce and New Products

In episode 26 of our podcast we’ll be discussing five ways to boost fall sales. Autumn is a favorite time of year for many folks, and it’s an ideal time to adjust your menu to capture new sales opportunities. We’re also going to talk calamari, you’ll find out where the name came from, how it’s eaten around the world and learn about a sauce that pairs perfectly with it. The sauce we’re talking about is “tarator,” not to be confused with tartar sauce. And on a humorous note we’ve got a short punny story to share with you.

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Episode 25 – Guests & Their Cell Phones, Menu Psychology and New Products

In this week’s podcast we’re picking up the phone – well, your customers are anyway. We’ll touch on the growing impact of smart phones on foodservice. We’re also taking a closer look at the psychology behind good menu design. There’s actual science behind getting customers to order and spend more

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Episode 24 – Consumer Impact on Menu Development, Flat Iron Steaks and New Products

In this weeks podcast we’re focusing on growing your takeout business. I met an individual earlier in the week who shared with me some tips he’d written for restaurants looking to “ramp up” their takeout business, those tips are at the heart of this week’s episode. Hungry? How about digging into the world’s largest Creme BrĂ»lĂ©e? This week’s foodie fact – What was the estimated calorie count for the world’s largest Creme BrĂ»lĂ©e?

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Episode 23 – New Products, Creme BrĂ»lĂ©e and Tactics for Takeout

In this weeks podcast we’re focusing on growing your takeout business. I met an individual earlier in the week who shared with me some tips he’d written for restaurants looking to “ramp up” their takeout business, those tips are at the heart of this week’s episode. Hungry? How about digging into the world’s largest Creme BrĂ»lĂ©e? This week’s foodie fact – What was the estimated calorie count for the world’s largest Creme BrĂ»lĂ©e?

take out packaging

7 Tactics for Takeout Sales Growth

Developing a strong takeout program – from products, to packaging to employee training is an effective way to generate additional profit. Here are 7 surefire ways to boost your sales and profits by increasing focus on your takeout business.