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Chowder Pot Pie with Biscuit Dough

Chef Tim takes chowder one step further with the addition of one simple ingredient, creating a item for you menu and adding additional profit to your bottom line. In this quick video you’ll see how to transform your existing chowder into hearty revenue with biscuit dough.

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Episode 71 – High Tech Hand Hygiene with Christine Schindler

We’re talking to an engineer and inventor who’s taking restaurant hand hygiene to a whole new level. Christine is and entrepreneur, engineer, and inventor who focuses on using technology to protect businesses and their customers from the threat of illnesses and outbreaks.

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New Food Service Items from Boston Salads & Oringer

This week we’ve added Blueberry Topping from Oringer, this versatile topping is loaded with berries. We’ve also added an all new Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad from Boston Salads, featuring bite-size radiatore pasta and bacon pieces tossed in a peppy buttermilk ranch dressing with celery, scallions, and onion.

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10 Ways to Grow Hot Beverage Sales

Hot beverages are the workhorse products of foodservice. They are profitable “must-haves” for just about every type of operation, be it the office kitchen, college, and hospital cafeteria, or the high-volume LSR and convenience store, but it’s easy to forget that these popular beverages don’t just sell themselves.

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The Basics of Chowder

In this video recipe, I’ll demonstrate the basic steps of preparing a delicious chowder, from which you can derive your creative variations. We also stock a fantastic variety of premium chowders which you can take to the next level with a few finishing touches.

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Asian Style Fire Braised Boneless Beef Short Rib

Asian flavors are big, bold, rich in flavor, spicy, and vibrant, and above all, they are some of my favorite flavors to utilize. Watch and see how effortlessly you add Asian-inspired flavors to your menu with this simple recipe.

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Episode 70 – Managing Restaurant Menus for Margin & Profit

Real-world advice on menu management from a food service professional with over 20 years of experience. In this episode Dennis Food Service account executive Josh Henderson joins Luke and Samantha to discuss menu pricing, and managing your restaurant’s menu for margin and profit.

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Restaurant Holiday Promotion Ideas

Transforming your restaurant into a winter wonderland can draw people into the warmth of your building. Instead of being one of many potential stops while people are out and about, you can become the go-to restaurant in your area for people who want to celebrate the season with inspiration from these ideas.

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Dennis Paper & Food Service is now Dennis Food Service!

For over 20 years, we have carried the name Dennis Paper and Food Service. Effective immediately, we are rebranding our company name to Dennis Food Service which better represents our core competencies and the key market segments we serve.

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Savory Cannoli with Empanada Dough

Empanada dough rounds offer a neutral flavored starting point that is suitable for sweet or savory applications. This recipe is inspiration for the later; to get you thinking about the potential savory uses for empanada dough.

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Tips for Tackling Restaurant Labor Shortages

It goes without saying that the industry is facing labor challenges like never before. Here are a few tips to help simplify back-of-house prep and improve efficiencies in your establishment.

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Episode 69 – QR Codes Are FREE

Luke and Samantha go off the rails in a light-hearted discussion about making the most of truly free QR codes. Whether for restaurant menus or online ordering, there’s a more than one way to go about it.

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FREE QR Codes for Restaurant Menus and Online Ordering

QR codes are here to stay. But what is a QR code, and what can it do for your restaurant? With a simple scan, customers can view menus and place online orders. 7-MIN READ to start making the most of FREE QR codes for digital menus and online ordering in your restaurant.

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The Age of Restaurant “Favorites”

By learning more about what tastes and influences are shared among age groups, restaurants can create profitable and engaging opportunities around those values and preferences. The following dining preferences can be helpful in better serving your restaurant customers and their varying preferences.