Curry Zucchini Salad

Itā€™s a good idea to have a few go-to ingredients in your culinary arsenalā€“the combination of the ingredients, and the resulting flavors in this dish, translate to fresh, all-season comfort food.

crab salad on lettuce with apple slices and lemons

Healthier Dining Habits Drive Menu Innovation

Health has never been more important. The world is talking about coronavirus, how to prevent it, how to treat it, and the lifestyle diseases that worsen its effects. These conversations have reignited the need for healthful eating because it is one of the most important ways to improve our overall health and well-being.

Shishito Peppers Appetizer Idea

Shishito peppers are a small Japanese (Eastern Asia) heirloom variety of pepper that are becoming more of a mainstream offering for both pub fare and fine dining platforms.

lasagna in cast iron skillet

Food Service Recipe: Caribou Lasagna

This gluten free rendition of lasagna was inspired by the Greek dish Moussaka. Much like lasagna, this dish is comprised of layers of potato, ground meats, eggplant and tomatoes.

fried shrimp wrapped in potato

Food Service Recipe: Caribou Shrimp

Tender shrimp enveloped with crispy thin strands of local potatoes is sure to be a winner on any menu, winter, spring, summer or fall. As an appetizer or an entree Caribou Shrimp is a unique menu item with local flare.

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Naked Cob… Corn off the Cob

Although the corn kernels have been stripped away, the naked Cobb can still provide many layers of flavor. Personally, I’ve always used two easy fail-safe methods to extract every bit of flavor from the cob that can be used in other culinary preparations.

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Caribou Russet Potatoes

The Caribou Russet is a dual-purpose purpose, delivering classic russet flavors while working well in both mashed and fried offerings. The Caribou russet is also hearty, producing high yields with greater blight resistance and mid-season maturity.

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Chef’s Pantry: Spaghetti Squash

When cooked, the flesh of this unique squash can be forked away from the shell in strands similar in appearance to spaghetti. Spaghetti squash is an amazingly diverse eat that will without a doubt invoke your own creative twists.

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Webinar: Plat-Based Nutrition

Making Plant-Based Eating Doable and Desirable in K-12 and Healthcare Webinar: Thursday, March 8, 2018: 2-3 PM Eastern. Attend this webinar to explore the growing trend of plant based diets and examine their nutritional adequacy in K-12 and Healthcare as well as visualize enticing ways to prepare veggie cuisine.

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Episode 18 – 12 New Products, New England Produce News, Veggie Perceptions, There’s Coffee in the Cocktails, and More!

In this weeks episode of Dennis Knows Food we focus some of the spotlight on New England, with 3 of our 12 latest inventory additions coming from right here in Maine. We’re also putting some emphasis on produce, with Chris Webster, one of our Dennis Account Executives joining us for a discussion on “veggie perceptions.” Heating up alcohol sales with cold brew coffee and more!