Chef’s Pantry: Pork Puffs
Airy, crunchy, puffy morsels of porkliciousness.
Even if pork rinds, a.k.a. pork skins, a.k.a. chicharróns are’t on a trending foods list somewhere, we suggest placing them on yours!
Those who have attempted to make house-made chicharróns know that the process is labor intensive, and takes at least 2 days from processing to plate. First you boil the pork rinds, followed by carefully scrapping off as much excess fat as possible, then the skins are dehydrated for 1-2 days before frying and serving. Farmland has eliminated all the work with their rendered pork skin pieces. These dehydrated pieces of pork rind are ready to go, simply fry, season & serve. The yield is amazing as they puff to nearly 5x the original size in volume.
Plus, there’s a good chance they’ll still be cracking and popping when they get to the table! Making for a very unique treat indeed.
Farmland Pork Skins Item #22306
Serve Pork Puffs…
- Tossed with sea salt (#41994) & vinegar powder (#22314)
- Spice them up with sriracha powder
- Serve with dip for a spin on chips & dip
- Chop into small pieces for a garnish crust on pork chops
- Add to a sandwiches or burger
- Add to a Caesar salad for a play on croutons
- Sprinkle finely chopped puffs on a chocolate dessert or ice cream