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Episode 77 – Help Wanted Signs

The latest episode of Dennis Knows Food podcast dives into the story of Dennis Food Service’s new Corporate Chef, Trevor Lizotte. Trevor discusses his culinary journey, to sharing his excitement about joining the team at Dennis Food Service, where he aims to use his experience to help customers.

Episode 76 – Meet Chef Trevor

The latest episode of Dennis Knows Food podcast dives into the story of Dennis Food Service’s new Corporate Chef, Trevor Lizotte. Trevor discusses his culinary journey, to sharing his excitement about joining the team at Dennis Food Service, where he aims to use his experience to help customers.

First In, First Out (FIFO)

Unlock the benefits of FIFO (First In, First Out), for your kitchen. Prioritize freshness, minimize waste, and maximize efficiency with strategic organization. From meticulous use-by-date tracking to streamlined shelf arrangements, FIFO ensures smooth operations and satisfied customers.

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Episode 69 – QR Codes Are FREE

Luke and Samantha go off the rails in a light-hearted discussion about making the most of truly free QR codes. Whether for restaurant menus or online ordering, there’s a more than one way to go about it.

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Episode 68 – Scent Marketing

In this episode writer and marketing professional Marisa Sanfilippo joins the podcast to discuss scent marketing. Tapping into this powerful consumer sense can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Waste Not Want Not Test Kitchen banner

What You See is What You Get

Unfortunately not all new restaurant owners and chefs have the ability, or capital to outfit their kitchen or establishment with all the bells, whistles and gadgets one would envision being in the culinary space of their dreams.

chef consulting in kitchen

The Life Span of Commercial Kitchen Equipment

You might not give much thought to your oven or dishwasher on a daily basis, but your kitchen appliances are what enable you to serve your hungry customers. Knowing the life span of commercial kitchen equipment helps you keep your operation running smoothly. It allows you to plan — and budget — for future maintenance, repairs and, eventually, new equipment. Here’s a look at what every foodservice operator should know about their kitchen equipment and when it ought to be replaced.

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Chef’s Pantry: Deli Containers for Containing & Organizing

One of the biggest hurdles in any busy culinary operation is keeping organized when space is limited. Trust me, I’ve struggled with this issues my entire career and the 32 oz deli container is the only item that has made my constant efforts; effortless…

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Episode 48 – News from the IFDA & Tips for a Smooth-Running Kitchen

In this week’s episode we’re sharing some stats from a new report published by the IFDA and we’ve got a few tips to help keep your kitchen running smooth. Plus, your business with Dennis supports other Maine and New England companies. You’ll hear more about how the foodservice industry contributes to our economy in this episode!

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Episode 31 – Fall Kitchen Prep and a Wrap Rap

Foodservice operators take tremendous pride in their kitchens and equipment. Now that we’re through the hectic pace of the summer season now is a good time to clean equipment and ensure everything is in proper working order. And, if you’re looking for some fall-food inspiration we’ve assembled a list on our website featuring some of our favorite fall items. There’s even a section dedicated to all things pumpkin, with over a dozen different pumpkin related products.

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Episode 17 – Routines, Marrow as a Condiment, It’s Test-Kitchen Time, New Products and More!

Here we are with another Thursday edition of our Podcast which is a day later than our usual Wednesday schedule. This made me reflect on how, even with schedules and planning, the unexpected can cause a hiccup in our regular routines. We have 8 new items to share with you that were just added to our inventory. We revisit the discussion on burgers from last week’s episode with an interesting condiment, and everyone is looking forward to getting into our new Test Kitchen and Learning center. That and more in this episode of Dennis Knows Food.