cooked cupped sausage slices on a pizza

Fontanini Cup & Char Sliced Sausage

Introducing the greatest innovation in pizza topping since sliced sausage! Fontanini’s cup and char classic Italian sausage slices deliver exceptional flavor and appeal in any application.

February: Plant-Based Pizza Baguette

Here’s a Gardein Italian Plant-based Saus’ge and tomato stuffed, cheesy solution for all the pizza lovers and crust enthusiasts out there. Not only does this Plant-Based Pizza Baguette recipe take only 30 minutes to make, but it’s also brushed with Earth Balance and garlic salt to make for a tasty crust.

scrambled eggs with sausage and hot sauce in a bowl

January: Louisiana Breakfast Bowl

Heat up your menu with this spicy breakfast bowl featuring scrambled eggs, southern style potatoes, Andouille sausage and doused in Louisiana hot sauce.

mussels in a bread bowl

Mussels in a Bread Bowl

More often than not mussels are generally served with a couple thick planks of toasted bread used for sopping up the juices from the cooking process… also known as broth diving.