banana apple parfait graphic

Banana & Apple Cream Parfait

Strike a delicious mix of taste and texture with a dessert that includes freshness in every bite with these banana and apple cream parfaits.

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Flash 180ā„¢ Chicken Breast

Hormel Flash 180ā„¢ sous vide chicken breast is a breakthrough for foodservice. Flash 180 chicken breasts are a deliciously crafted ingredient. They feature a homestyle batter that adheres perfectly, locking in unparalleled flavor and moisture and unlocking a world of chicken dishes for your operation.

fried shrimp wrapped in potato

Food Service Recipe: Caribou Shrimp

Tender shrimp enveloped with crispy thin strands of local potatoes is sure to be a winner on any menu, winter, spring, summer or fall. As an appetizer or an entree Caribou Shrimp is a unique menu item with local flare.

pile of chocolate brownies

New Products 3/14/18

This week 7 new items have been added to our inventory. Fresh out of the oven from Bake’N Joy comes their new clean label line – Kitchen Classicsā„¢ and NEW scoopable Double Chocolate Gourmet Brownie Batter. From Mott’s we’ve added 24oz plastic jars of their Original Applesauce. In non-foods from Georgia Pacific we’ve added 3 new Enmotion Gen 2 refills. Lastly from World Centric we’ve added 2 new clear plastic clamshell containers.