Choosing the Perfect Steak Cut
Technically there is no “red meat season”, but if I had to pull one out of thin air, the kickoff would be July.
Summer is the season for grillin’, chillin’ and letting your internal carnivore come to the dinner party.
What did the perfectly-rested steak say to the prematurely-sliced steak?
You need a rest… you’re bleeding.
“What cut should I use?”
There is no good answer. I could tell you what cuts of beef you should use & those you should steer clear of – however, it is simply a matter of personal likes vs. product use vs. your grocery budget. Other considerations include how you will be using the product. Will you be using a slow cooking technique, like braising or smoking? Are you going for a quick seared steak presentation? Will you be roasting and shaving for sandwiches? Once a clear path of production/use has been paved, your account executive (or myself) can better assist in steering you in the right direction.
There is no bad cut of beef, but there is improper product handling that can lead to unsatisfactory finished product. The rule of thumb is to choose heavily used muscles (higher use of muscle + stronger protein structure with less marbling) for longer cooking methods, such as slow smoking, braising and slow roasting. On the opposite side, a lesser used muscle (better marbling due to muscle inactivity) is suitable for quick cook techniques such as grilling, searing and slow roasting.
Be sure to place careful consideration when choosing the perfect cut for your platform. Beef is a big expense, so don’t overspend on a tender cut if you plan to treat it like a tough cut. On the flip-side, don’t use a tough cut like a tender cut and expect a suitable outcome.
If you choose wisely, season well and use proper cooking techniques, you will be hitting menu home runs all day long.
For more information about Beef from Dennis, check out these pages:
BBQ Foodservice Rangeline™ Meat & Provisions Premium Beef Products
Chef Tim’s Surf & Turf