Episode 23 – New Products, Creme Brûlée and Tactics for Takeout
It’s Friday, July 21st, and today is National Creme Brûlée Day!
We’re taking the theme for this week’s foodie fact from Creme Brûlée – What was the estimated calorie count for the world’s largest Creme Brûlée? The answer in this episode!
This week we’ve added 6 new items to our inventory. Now in for produce we’ve added a premium Asian style stir fry medley. From the artisan bakery experts at Turano comes a new Brioche Burger Roll. We’re adding more options to our line of Burger Maker beef patties with fresh 5/16″ thick 2.7oz patties. Lastly, in non-foods we’ve added 3 sizes of blue Nitrile gloves from Royal.
In this podcast episode we’re focusing on growing your takeout business. Earlier in the week I was on the road attending the IFDA Smart conference. There I met, networked with and shared ideas among our industry partners and peers. Presenting were two keynote speakers who’s messages had a important message in common – more about that in the podcast! I also met an individual who shared with me some tips he’d written for restaurants looking to “ramp up” their takeout business, those tips are at the heart of this week’s episode. We’ve posted a blog inspired by those tips on our website, link below.
Links and product information mentioned in this episode include our website at www.DennisExpress.com. 7 Tactics for Takeout Sales Growth here – https://dennisfoodservice.com/7-takeout-tactics. And we’ve got a delicious burger recipe highlighting a great idea featuring our new Turano brioche rolls here – https://dennisfoodservice.com/pub-burger-brioche
We look forward to your feedback – you can now email us at podcast@dennisexpress.com – help us make future Podcasts more valuable!
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