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5 Ways Your Foodservice Operation Can Leverage AI in 2025

As we transition menus to comfort-food ingredients and prepare for the holiday season, it’s important to make sure your restaurant’s marketing isn’t just simmering with summer shares–there are plenty of ways to drive traffic and boost customer engagement through December…

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Episode 77 – Help Wanted Signs

The latest episode of Dennis Knows Food podcast dives into the story of Dennis Food Service’s new Corporate Chef, Trevor Lizotte. Trevor discusses his culinary journey, to sharing his excitement about joining the team at Dennis Food Service, where he aims to use his experience to help customers.

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Gratitude is Great for Customer Engagement in Food Service

As we transition menus to comfort-food ingredients and prepare for the holiday season, it’s important to make sure your restaurant’s marketing isn’t just simmering with summer shares–there are plenty of ways to drive traffic and boost customer engagement through December…

Episode 76 – Meet Chef Trevor

The latest episode of Dennis Knows Food podcast dives into the story of Dennis Food Service’s new Corporate Chef, Trevor Lizotte. Trevor discusses his culinary journey, to sharing his excitement about joining the team at Dennis Food Service, where he aims to use his experience to help customers.

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Meet the 2024 Dennis Interns

An internship at Dennis Food Service offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application. Meet our 2024 interns who are currently receiving practical experience, skill development, industry exposure, networking opportunities, and enhancing their resume, and making an important step towards a successful career

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Episode 74: Do the Free Stuff First

Welcome to Episode 74 of the Dennis Knows Food podcast! In this special three-part installment, we’re excited to present Luke LaBree’s keynote address, “Do the Free Stuff First.”

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Hashtags – The Dewey Decimal System of the Internet

The internet is expanding at an exponential rate; millions of posts are uploaded every day. Here, hashtags have emerged as a universal organization system for the world’s digital shares. But would Melvil Dewey approve of our #anythinggoes internet organization?

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Embracing the Digital Storefront: Why Every Restaurant Needs a Website

In today’s internet-driven digital age, a strong online presence is essential for any business. Yet, surprisingly, many restaurants and food-focused operations still operate without a dedicated website. By doing so, they unwittingly limit their potential reach and allow others to shape their brand’s perception online.

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Episode 72 – Why Every Restaurant Needs a Website

In today’s internet-driven digital age, a strong online presence is essential for any business. Yet, surprisingly, many restaurants and food-focused operations still operate without a dedicated website. By doing so, they unwittingly limit their potential reach and allow others to shape their brand’s perception online.

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Strategies to Increase Restaurant Sales in the Summer Months

While it seems that spring has just arrived, summer is already bearing down. And with it comes heightened possibilities in the restaurant industry. To make the most of this season, we’ve put together the events, marketing strategies, and menu optimizations that can make this your restaurant’s best summer yet.

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How to put your restaurant menu online and use it as an effective marketing tool.

Restaurant owners are always looking for ways to get more business, earn a higher profit, and attract new customers. Marketing strategies, like social media campaigns and local advertising, are great ways to get the word out about your business. But your most powerful restaurant marketing tools already exist in your restaurant menu. Learn how to take your restaurant menu online and use it as an effective marketing tool.

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10 Ways to Grow Hot Beverage Sales

Hot beverages are the workhorse products of foodservice. They are profitable “must-haves” for just about every type of operation, be it the office kitchen, college, and hospital cafeteria, or the high-volume LSR and convenience store, but it’s easy to forget that these popular beverages don’t just sell themselves.

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Episode 70 – Managing Restaurant Menus for Margin & Profit

Real-world advice on menu management from a food service professional with over 20 years of experience. In this episode Dennis Food Service account executive Josh Henderson joins Luke and Samantha to discuss menu pricing, and managing your restaurant’s menu for margin and profit.